EURA 2022 Conference

Defrag-Europe: fragility/antifragility at play in contemporary Europe

June 16 — 18, 2022

Milan, Italy

Host and organisation by Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies

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The Conference

The 2022 EURA Conference promotes critical reflection on various processes of fragilization, which imposes distress on places and people, particularly in Europe, evidently tightly related to the global transition that the world is experiencing. The event invites scholars to dare challenge mainstream concepts and approaches, promoting transdisciplinary research and contributing to feeding a new policy agenda based on anti-fragility policies.

The annual European Urban Research Association (EURA) conference is an important meeting point for researchers and scholars from various disciplines in urban studies. EURA aims to gather researchers committed to international exchange, cooperation, and interdisciplinary and comparative urban research. By doing so, EURA encourages and contributes to urban policy debates and regional development.

After two complicated years into the Covid-19 pandemic, the EURA Conference 2022 will provide a unique opportunity for this community of scholars to enjoy the pleasure of exchange and critical discussion. They will also encounter an important Italian city, Milan, which represents some of the societal challenges tackled during this conference.

Covid 19 pandemic has exacerbated the role of uncertainty and risk in our societies, accelerating dynamics that were already at play before the pandemic. At the same time, the post-pandemic recovery plans offer essential opportunities to renew the policy agenda and deal with urgent policy challenges. Of course, talking about Europe implies comparing it with other regions and contexts worldwide. We invite scholars from all countries to contribute to a lively and dynamic discussion.

EURA 2022 Conference in Milan will be an in-person event, based on intensive track sessions and supported by side events and study trips, to provide the pleasure and the benefits of a face-to-face exchange once again.

However, the local organizing committee is also considering an alternative plan if the situation requires different arrangements. Our infrastructures and facilities at Politecnico di Milano will eventually be ready to run a blended event or an online one, if the case.

The schedule of this conference is relatively compressed concerning the past, due to the exceptional situation. Still, we are confident in your understanding: organizing a conference in the current era is a real challenge.

The EURA 2022 local organizing committee hopes you will find this call for panels and abstracts of interest. Please disseminate the call to relevant colleagues in your networks, universities, institutes, departments, research groups, consortia, etc.

Call for panels and abstracts

EURA 2022 welcomes scholars in the field of urban studies to contribute with panels and abstracts to the following 11 tracks. Topics addressed in the tracks are not exclusive; they intend to inspire discussions and exchanges of innovative ideas and knowledge. Please feel free to suggest issues and perspectives that can dialogue with this call for abstracts. The call is also open to the proposal for special sessions (panels) within each track.

Book of abstracts (PDF, 2Mb)


Marginalized territories of Europe


Mobilities, accessibility and proximity


Regenerating urbanity


Institutions politics and policies between crisis and transitions


Governance of transition


Sustainability as a challenge, within an integrated perspective


Material welfare, inequalities and territorial fragilization


Fragile heritage sites in a globalizing world


University, urban research and public engagement


Economies and territories at risk


Recovery and next generation EU observatory



Expected Abstract contributions should be limited to a maximum of 250-350 words and should include 3 keywords and 5 references. The abstract must contain original research work conducted by the author(s); it should clearly outline the main argument, scope(s) of the contribution, methodological/ conceptual approaches, and its relevance to the track themes and the core topics of the conference.

Special sessions proposals should be limited to a maximum of 1000 words and should include 3 keywords and 5 references. All abstracts should outline the significance of the contribution and introduce the main arguments from the methodological/conceptual points of view; highlight its relevance to the track themes and the core topics of the conference. Each briefly should introduce the authors/presenters, their specific contribution to the panel, and present a minimum 3 and maximum 4 authors/presenters.

The official language of the EURA 2022 is English. Abstracts will be published in the Book of abstracts.

Important dates

  • Dec 23, 2021
    Call for abstracts published
  • Jan 24, 2022
    Submission of abstracts opens
  • Mar 7, 2022
    New panels proposals submission deadline
  • Mar 10, 2022
    New abstracts proposals submission deadline and Panel announcements
  • Apr 1, 2022
    Review of abstracts deadline and Registration opening
  • May 1, 2022
    Early Registration closing
  • May 15, 2022
    Final deadline for registration (for participants with accepted papers to be included in the Official programme)

We are aware that in this period, it may be difficult to plan your in-person participation in an event. However, we invite you to submit your abstract, considering that the Local Organizing Committee will put in place all the efforts to adapt to the Covid-19 situation in due time. Our infrastructures offer us the opportunity to run a blended event if needed. In case this is totally impossible, the Local Organizing Committee will consider the opportunity to switch to an online event, but this decision will be taken in due time, in order to inform all the authors and allow them to take action accordingly.


Partecipation fees

  • Tipology
    Early bird
    Late registration
  • EURA/ UAA Members
    340,00 €
    390,00 €
  • Non-EURA/ UAA Members
    385,00 €
    435,00 €
  • EURA/ UAA Members Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia (except China and Japan)
    230,00 €
    280,00 €
  • Non-EURA/UAA Members Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia (except China and Japan)
    265,00 €
    315,00 €
  • Research/PhD students
    215,00 €
    265,00 €

Registration deadlines

Early bird registration opens: April 1, 2022

Early bird registration closes: May 1, 2022

Final deadline for registration: May 15, 2022

Official Programme

Accepted participants must register by May 15, 2022 (11:59 pm CST) to be included in the official programme.

EURA and UAA Membership Special Fee

EURA and UAA members have a dedicated registration fee, which will be confirmed after checking the membership status by Eura Secretariat.
To become a EURA member or to confirm/check your membership status, please click here.

Fee coverage

The fee covers: Coffee breaks and lunches during the conference, Opening Event and Social Dinner, Book of Abstracts and Conference Journal, Mobile workshops participation.

Refund policy

COVID-related refund. Up to May 15, 2022, we will allow refunds (minus an administrative fee of 80 euros) if travel to Italy, or, to or from your home country becomes officially restricted due to COVID-19 pandemic alerts. In this case, we will run a blended event and authors will have the opportunity to follow the online events of the conference and present their papers in special online sessions.

Registration procedure

Only credit card payments will be accepted online.
Registration will open on April 1, 2022.


Politecnico di Milano, AUIC School, Via Ampere 1
9:00 - 9:30
9:30 - 9:45
9:45 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 16:00 EURA Board Meetings
16:00 - 16:20 Coffee break
16:20 - 18:00 EURA Board Meetings
18:00 - 18:15
18:15 - 18:30
18:30 - 19:00 Broken cities
Joint public event EURA-FGF
19:00 - 20:00
20:00 - 23:00
Politecnico di Milano, AUIC School, Via Ampere 1
9:00 - 9:30 Registration
9:30 - 9:45 Welcome
9:45 - 11:00 Opening session with keynotes

Tim Leibert
Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde
Gianfranco Viesti
Università di Bari
11:00 - 11:20 Coffee break
11:20 - 13:00 Parallel sessions
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 16:00 Mobile workshops / Field sessions
16:00 - 16:20
16:20 - 18:00
18:00 - 18:15
18:15 - 18:30
18:30 - 19:00
19:00 - 20:00 Evening reception
Fondazione Riccardo Catella
DJ set BAM
20:00 - 23:00
Politecnico di Milano, AUIC School, Via Ampere 1
9:00 - 9:30 Registration
9:30 - 9:45 Parallel sessions
9:45 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:20 Coffee break
11:20 - 13:00 Parallel sessions
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 16:00 Parallel sessions
16:00 - 16:20 Coffee break
16:20 - 18:00 Parallel sessions
18:00 - 18:15
18:15 - 18:30 EURA general assembly
18:30 - 19:00
19:00 - 20:00
20:00 - 23:00 Conference dinner
Fondazione Feltrinelli, Viale Pasubio 5
9:00 - 9:30
9:30 - 9:45 Policy Roundtable
9:45 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:20 Coffee break
11:20 - 13:00 Parallel sessions
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 16:00 Parallel sessions
16:00 - 16:20 Coffee break
16:20 - 18:00 Final keynotes session

Sara Meerow
Arizona State University
Oren Yftachel
Ben Gurion University
18:00 - 18:15 Broken cities
Joint public event EURA-FGF
18:15 - 18:30
18:30 - 19:00
19:00 - 20:00
20:00 - 23:00 Art performance


The conference will take place in two different locations. On Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16th and Friday 17th, all the conference activities will be hosted at Politecnico di Milano, AUIC School, Via Ampere 1 (Metro Line 2, Piola Station); on Saturday, the conference will be hosted at Fondazione GianGiacomo Feltrinelli, Viale Pasubio, 5, (Metro Line 2, Garibaldi Station).

Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli is a partner of the Conference and a Leading Cultural Foundation in Italy; the collaboration with EURA is a special opportunity to share the results of the Conference with a wider public, experimenting a new form of outreach also for EURA Conferences.

Field sessions / Mobile Workshops

Tracks have been designed in tight coordination with a programme of mobile workshops: these have been organised as urban explorations, aimed at providing the participants of the different tracks the opportunity to be in touch with cases/places/people that can inspire the participants and feeding the conference activities.

For this reason, participants are invited to consider the Mobile workshops as an integral part of the Track, as a special field session, where they will have the opportunity to “meet” the city of Milan, its stories, protagonists, and contradictions. Each participant is invited to follow the Mobile workshop organised with each Track where he/she will present his/her abstract.

Social events

The Social Dinner will be held at Parco Trotter, in the spaces of the Ex-Convitto, a new initiative developed by our conference partner Olinda, a social enterprise founded in 1996, which has been a forerunner of social innovation in the Milanese context (Metro Line 1, Rovereto).

The Evening Reception will be organised in collaboration with our conference partners Coima and Fondazione Riccardo Catella, active in the city of Milan since 2007, to spread the culture of sustainability in urban development, contributing to a better quality of life, with a particular focus on open spaces (Metro Line 2, Garibaldi Station).

Venue & Host

EURA 2022 conference will take place in Milan, Italy. The Department of Architecture and Urban Studies at Politecnico di Milano will host and organize the event.

Milano in 2021 was ranked second in terms of quality of life in the country. While according to the international press, it is the city to be, for its glamour and quality of experiences. At the same time, The Economist declares Italy the country of the year for 2021, as the one which improved the most, trying to react to the Covid-19 pandemic. Of course, these positive images dialogue with a particular period where both the city and the country must confront consistent and dramatic challenges. EURA 2022 will throw you in this context, offering several opportunities to experience the aspirations and contradictions of such a special moment.

Politecnico di Milano: established in 1863, it is one of the leading Universities in the fields of Engineering, Design and Architecture in Italy and with a global reputation. The Department of Architecture and Urban Studies is one of Italy's most important research facilities in urban studies, located in a solid international network of research centres and institutions open to forms of cooperation with institutional and social actors at local, national and international level. The conference will be held in the Città Studi Campus, recently renovated and part of a very lively neighbourhood. The topic of the Conference is inspired by the Research Project “Project of Excellence - Territorial Fragilities” funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research.

Awards & publication policy

Young Scholars Award

The track chairs will suggest up to 3 papers per track to the scientific committee that will make the final decision based on the chairs' recommendation, supported by members of the EURA Board. The Young scholars award consist of a travel grant for the next EURA or the next Urban Affairs Association conference in the US.

Best Paper Award

The track chairs will select the best paper in their tracks and a Best paper award committee will review the selected papers; the author of these papers will have the opportunity to publish her/his paper in a dedicated special issue of the Journal Urban Research and practices. The paper will go through the normal refereeing process.